International Day of Women and Girls in Science – Let’s talk about it!!

Good afternoon all,

Thursday the 11th marked the 6th annual International Day of Women and Girls in Science where the progress and advancements of women and girls in the science industry are recognised and celebrated throughout the world.

Image result for internation day of women and girls in science
Source: Google

This international day of women and girls in science was founded in 2015 by H.R.H. Princess Dr. Nisreen El-Hashemite as part of her mission to overcome modern day problems, that particularly women and girls face, such as gender inequality, and lack of representation of women/girls in science-related fields.

Each year, the day consists of a “Assembly Theme” , which then has 5 thematic focus areas. This year, the chosen assembly theme was “Beyond the Borders: Equality in Science for Society” . This theme challenges and explores the cultural dimensions within STEM subjects and has allowed remarkable communities, such as blind -fellow scientists, to feature in this assembly.

There are many tools that both women, men, girls and boys can collectively gather from this international day, which is part of UN’s mission to narrow the gap between men and women in society and recognise how equality can revolutionise the world.

As part of one of them other thematic focus areas, light was shed on the current global pandemic. The theme demonstrated how female scientists were at the forefront of the ongoing fight against Co-Vid, discussing its significant impact on women in science, as well as revealing many gender disparities that were neglected previously.

Source: Google

What are your thoughts on the international day of women and girls in science(IDWGS)? Do you think this day contributes towards a better future for women’s rights? Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of women and girls in STEM? Let me know in the comments below.

Until the next time,

Lia 🙂

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